Property: Critical apparatus
From Lapis
This is a property of type Text.
<sup>a)</sup> Letters after abbreviation smaller and in superscript.
<sup>b)</sup> Here no blank space is inserted. +
<sup>a)</sup> Neither word has a sign of abbreviation.
<sup>b)</sup> The number looks like a capital 'I'. +
<sup>a)</sup> No blank space after this word.
<sup>b)</sup> <i>Sic.</i>
<sup>c)</sup> Original: Prɶsens.
<sup>d)</sup> Original: 'Aloqut'.
<sup>e)</sup> 'A' with bent pointed crossbar, only at this place. +
<sup>a)</sup> On the left stone.
<sup>b)</sup> On the middle stone.
<sup>c)</sup> On the right stone.
<sup>d)</sup> 'M' is smaler and in superscript. +
<sup>a)</sup> Originally 'NICHIL', but 'C' is crossed over by a vertical line. Cf. 'NIHIL' in line 2.
<sup>b)</sup> Corrected from clearly visible 'CERTIOR'.
<sup>c)</sup> Corrected from 'INCERTIOR'.
<sup>d)</sup> ÔRA
<sup>e)</sup> <i>'E' caudata</i>.
<sup>f)</sup> Under this word a small number '18520' is shallowly engraved - perhaps an ID of the slab. +
<sup>a)</sup> Shaped like 'J'. +
<sup>a)</sup> The line is written as <i>scriptio continua</i>.
<sup>b)</sup> The line is written as <i>scriptio continua</i>.
<sup>c)</sup> All lines in all numerals are curved; '5' is 'S'-shaped. +
<sup>a)</sup> The lines in 'D' are separated (IↃ).
<sup>b)</sup> The picture is placed in the middle of the last two lines, between 'Balbi' and 'Praetor', and 'C' and 'L'. +
<sup>a)</sup> The middle letters ar partly visible. +
<sup>a)</sup> There is no blank space between 'HOC' and 'TEMPLVM'.
<sup>b)</sup> 'O' is missing, 'RE' is smaller and placed above 'I'. +
<sup>a)</sup> This line does not have blanks between words.
<sup>b)</sup> The chronogram gives 1734. +
<sup>a)</sup> This line is written in small capitals.
<sup>b)</sup> This line is written in small capitals. +
<sup>a)</sup> With a contracting bar. +