Property: Translation en
From Lapis
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(...) 1753 (...) +
(...) here are the ashes (...) to the brilliant (...) to be extolled (...) of Sforza family. +
(...) M(?) +
(...) njegov podignuta (...) +
(...) of late (...) 1755 +
(...) su načinili za sebe i za svoje 6. siječnja (...) +
(...)etić(...) +
... 1725. Marko Udovičić ordered construction. +
... brothers Morosin, sons of late ... ordered construction for themselves and their heirs in the year of our Lord ... +
... by the invincible emperor Francis I, piety of the inhabitants of Vodnjan raised this sacred tower from the foundations in 1815. +
... of Jure called Jureša and Ivan Burić, son of late Mihael, ordered the construction in the year 1771. +
1456. Alpha - omega. +
1495, on February 14. This is the grave of sir Gaspare Iacomeli from Pula(?).
This is the grave of sir Ganetus da Bresa, surgeon, and his heirs (?). 1521. +