Property: Position
From Lapis
The beam above the southern window on the western facade of the church. +
The column of Saint Euphemia on the seashore, south of the Church of the Holy Cross. +
The facade of the church, to the right of the entrance. +
The grave slab on the floor of the church. +
The grave slab on the floor of the church. +
The inscription on the cross located on the access path outside the church, on its southwestern side. +
The inscription on the custodia built into the southern wall of the sanctuary, in front of the entrance to the sacristy. +
The inscription plaque above the interior entrance to the side room, on the northern side of the church. +
The inscriptions are found on scrolls held by the sculptures of angels from the altar of St. Euphemia. The southern nave of the church. +
The interior of the church, built into the northern wall of the sanctuary on the right side. +
The keystone in the center of the arch of the main portal, the western façade of the church. +
The lintel of the entrance portal, western facade of the church. +
The lintel of the interior entrance to the side room, on the northern side of the church. +