Property: Notes
From Lapis
This is a property of type Text.
okvir je profiliran prema van.
Justified left, last word in the middle. Small capitals, only first letter in the inscription is larger. Letters coloured in red (initials) and black, black ink mostly faded comletely, red partly. +
Only 'Q(VONDAM)' is Latin. +
Oreb (1960.) u svom rukopisu "Natpisi i znakovi na zidu crkve" spominje da je Jerolim Granić, tajnik provincije krajem 19. stoljeća vidio i zabilježio neke natpise koji više nisu vidljivi, među kojima donosi i ovaj natpis s jedne uništene grobnice koja se nalazila na podu crkve. (Oreb 1960.) +
PP-23.12 nadgrobna ploča prenesena iz crkve BDM Veli Brijun.
v. [ Članak o obitelji Samuelis] +
PP-23.13 Ulomak nadgrobne ploče člana obitelji Petri, 1535., crkva Sv. Antuna, Brijuni ([[:Krnjak, Radossi 2002|Krnjak, Radossi 2002]]).
Je li Petri (Petrus) ime, a ...IGO prezime? +
prebojano, natpis ima boju
In bottom right corner of the field. +
Prijašnji prozor sakristije Sv. Silvestra u Kanfanaru.
Nedostaju dimenzije. +
Prijevod i fotografija su preuzeti sa stranice Istarska kulturna baština Pomorskog i povijesnog muzeja Istre: [ link]
Potrebno je provjeriti prijevod, te provjeriti prava za fotografiju.
'R' is abbreviated with a double arch above a letter.
<sup>1)</sup> Virgin Mary, whose relics are not preserved in the church. +
Raised inscription surface. Recessed edge of the plaque.
A memorial plaque dedicated to Alojzije Marcello, Bishop of Pula.
The text is centered. +
Rectangle with rather large round concave cutouts in the corners. The tombstone in the floor, next to the main entrance. The square plaque is inserted within a frame of the same shape, and in the center, there is an inscription field. The inscription field is square with softly recessed corners. It is partially damaged, with visible metal pegs and a worn surface. The text in the second and third lines starts to the righr of the pegs, which suggests that it was added after them.
Letter 'I', which is capital in all places, has a dot above. 'A' has a downward bent andangled crossbar. Number '1' looks like a capital 'I' (without a dot). +
Rectangular inscription with circular inlets in the corners, in which floral elements are added.
Letters filled with well-preserved black paint.
Text centered. Letters slightly irregular, entire names and initial letters of all words are in majuscule.
Dragutin NEŽIĆ, Barbanski kraj u prošlosti: prigodom 270-godišnjice župne crkve u Barbanu, Barban 1971: 13
Bertoša 2004: 71 +
Rectangular richly decorated inscription; inscription field is within an octagon
'A' with bent crossline. +
ref. [[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 144
'A' has a downward-bent pointed crossbar.
Nedostaju dimenzije. +
romboidno okrenuto, svako I ima točku, tj. minuskulno je; u slovima je dobro očuvana boja
duljine stranica: polje - 480 x 475, nositelj: 482 x 477
The text is centered.
'I' with a dot above. 'A' with bent crossbar. +