Property: Notes
From Lapis
This is a property of type Text.
Natpisno polje i slova nisu izmjerena zbog visine.
Black-painted engraved letters on the grey inscription plaque.
The text is centered. Letters in the first line and the lanes with the Pope's Peteani's names are bold and larger. +
Natpisno polje i slova nisu izmjerena zbog visine.
<sup>a)</sup> The chronogram gives 1733. +
Natpisno polje i slova nisu izmjerena zbog visine.
The text is centered.
Acronym in the first line is in largest letters; the names of the two saints are the second by size, 'RVBINENSES PIENTISSIMI' third, and then the rest. +
Ne mogu naći fotografiju; pregledati ponovno. +
Ne pripada katalogu jer je iz 13. st.
It is located in the Franciscan Monastery Church of St. Francis in Pula. It is part of the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Istria.
A plaque with an engraved cross, whose transverse horizontal beam (antenna) has rounded ends, and the ends of the vertical beam (patibulum) are not preserved. The inscription is inside the cross and in the left corner between the antenna and the patibulum. In the lower left corner, there is a depiction of a dog leaping towards the cross.
Inscription along the horizontal beam: MAGISTER C/AMELLETO FEC(IT) HO(C) / PALA/(C)TI(O)UM
Inscription on the vertical beam: MARIA CISCA DOLTO (?) FECIT (FA/C)ERE HOC SERVI(C)I(O) ET REDEM(C)IONE A(NIM)E / SUE
Inscription in the corner between the beams: PALA/CIO
The plaque is dated to the 13th century.
It was found among the materials of a house destroyed during the bombing in 1944, at the intersection of Benediktinske opatije Street (ex Via dell'Abbazia) and Flaciusova Street (Via Garibaldi). +
Nečitko s fotografije. Na talijanskom, pa ne ulazi u katalog. +
Nedostaju dimenzije i fotografija cijelog spomenika. +
Nedostaju dimenzije.
Natpis se nalazi unutar ili izvan crkve? +
Nedostaju dimenzije. +
Nina Kudiš Burić published an article about this altar.
- in: Oltari presvetog Sakramenta u Savičenti i Osoru: problemi konteksta, tipologije, uzora i autora, Renesansa i renesanse u umjetnosti Hrvatske, Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti ; Odsjek za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. pp 297-312.
Damir Tulić published a scheda about the altar.
- in: Umjetnička baština istarske crkve - Kiparstvo 2 / Patrimonio artistico della chiesa istriana - Scultura 2, 2017, p. 216-219. +
Okrenuto romboidno
Text centered; small capitals; all initials are large. Letters are filled with partly preserved ink. 'I' has a dot above, 'A' has a bent crossbar. +
okvir je profiliran prema van
Centered text, red and black ink in letters partly faded. +
okvir je profiliran prema van.
Justified left, last word in the middle. Small capitals, only first letter in the inscription is larger. Letters coloured in red (initials) and black, black ink mostly faded comletely, red partly. +
Only 'Q(VONDAM)' is Latin. +
Oreb (1960.) u svom rukopisu "Natpisi i znakovi na zidu crkve" spominje da je Jerolim Granić, tajnik provincije krajem 19. stoljeća vidio i zabilježio neke natpise koji više nisu vidljivi, među kojima donosi i ovaj natpis s jedne uništene grobnice koja se nalazila na podu crkve. (Oreb 1960.) +