From Lapis
Basic data
ID | PP-14.1.4 |
Diocese | Poreč-Pula |
Deanery | Pula Deanery |
Parish | Šišan |
Building | sv. Feliksa i Fortunata (Šišan) |
Building type | church |
Coordinates | 44° 51' 10.30" N, 13° 56' 29.97" E |
Position in building | Lintel above the portal, west façade of the church. |
Original location | |
Earliest date | 1528-01-01 |
Latest date | 1528-12-31 |
Previous editions |
State of preservation | not damaged |
Material | limestone |
Shape | rectangular |
Field width | |
Field height | |
Carrier width | 2200 |
Carrier height | 420 |
Carrier depth | |
Decoration | The monogram of Christ in the center of the lintel, inserted between Roman numerals indicating the year. |
Language(s) | Latin |
Prosodic form | |
Lettering style | |
Minimum letter height: | |
Maximum letter height: | |
Number of lines: | 1 |
Interpretive transcription and translation
Interpretive transcription: | M · D · {{sol, IHS, crux}}a) · XXXVIII · |
Translation (hr) | 1528 IHS |
Translation (en) | 1528 IHS |
Notes | The inscription is located on the lintel of the portal, with a lunette above it, within which the central depiction has not been preserved. The year is engraved in Roman numerals on the lintel, and between them is inserted the Christogram. The Christogram is placed within a sun motif, positioned at the center of the lintel. |
Critical apparatus | a) A circle with alternating eight flame-like and eight pointed rays. Inside the circle, IHS is written, with a Latin cross raising from the crossbar of 'H'. |
Responsible user | AMahic |
Timestamp | 2024-04-15 10:15:39 AM |
Bare text | MDXXXVIII |
Diplomatic transcription
▾ M ▾ D ▾ ▾ XXVIII ▾