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Basic data

ID PP-14.1.6
Diocese Poreč-Pula
Deanery Pula Deanery
Parish Šišan
Building sv. Feliksa i Fortunata (Šišan)
Building type church
Coordinates 44° 51' 10.30" N, 13° 56' 29.97" E
Position in building In the floor on the south side of the church.
Original location
Earliest date 1685-01-01
Latest date 1685-12-31
Previous editions


State of preservation not damaged
Material limestone
Shape quadrangular
Field width 590
Field height 395
Carrier width 1250
Carrier height 2170
Carrier depth
Decoration Vegetal and geometric motifs in shallow relief across the entire tombstone.
Language(s) Latin
Prosodic form
Lettering style
Minimum letter height: 18
Maximum letter height: 40
Number of lines: 6

Interpretive transcription and translation

Interpretive transcription: DOMVS · PERPETVAa) / DOMINI · PETRI · / POPPAZZIb) · POSTE/RORVMc)Q(VE)d) · SVORVM · / ANNO · DOMINI · / MDCL·X·X·V
Translation (hr)
Translation (en) Eternal home of Mr Pietro Poppazzi and his successors. In the year of Our Lord 1675.


Notes The tombstone in the floor, south side of the church. A rectangular plaque is inserted within a frame of the same shape, with an inscription field in the center. The inscription field is rectangular with a profiled edge and vegetal motifs on the inner side of the field. The ornament in shallow relief covers the entire surface of the plaque and the frame. The decoration consists of multiple-profiled edges, vegetal scrolls, and rosettes, with two larger eight-sided rosettes dominating below and above the inscription field. Metal pegs and grooves for two lifting loops are preserved.

All letters 'N' are slanted to the right (it looks like 'M' without the final bar).

a) 'A' is lowered because of the decoration.

v) Initial 'P' is larger and extended beyond the baseline.

d) 'R' with a cross-stroke.

d) Abbreviated without a sign, unless 'Q' was intended to have a peculiar slash.

Critical apparatus
Responsible user AMahic
Timestamp 2024-05-03 02:19:43 PM
Bare text


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PP-14.1.6 a.JPG

PP-14.1.6 b.JPG

Diplomatic transcription