From Lapis
Basic data
ID | PP- |
Diocese | Poreč-Pula |
Deanery | Vodnjan Deanery |
Parish | Vodnjan |
Building | sv. Martina (Vodnjan) |
Building type | |
Coordinates | 44° 57' 42.63" N, 13° 51' 12.35" E |
Position in building | na podu u sredini crkve |
Original location | |
Earliest date | 1775-06-06 |
Latest date | 1775-06-06 |
Previous editions |
State of preservation | slightly damaged |
Material | marble |
Shape | quadrangular |
Field width | 660 |
Field height | 670 |
Carrier width | 664 |
Carrier height | 674 |
Carrier depth | 0 |
Decoration | obrub koji označava natpisno polje |
Language(s) | Latin |
Prosodic form | prose |
Lettering style | capital |
Minimum letter height: | 25 |
Maximum letter height: | 25 |
Number of lines: | 10 |
Interpretive transcription and translation
Interpretive transcription: | |
Translation (hr) | |
Translation (en) |
Notes | romboidno okrenuto, svako I ima točku, tj. minuskulno je; u slovima je dobro očuvana boja
duljine stranica: polje - 480 x 475, nositelj: 482 x 477 |
Critical apparatus | |
Responsible user | Simedemowiki |
Timestamp | 2024-07-17 10:11:53 AM |
Bare text |
Diplomatic transcription