X-M.1.23: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Opis natpisa|X-M.1.23|Poreč-Pula|||Arheološki muzej Istre||44° 50' 49.22" N, 13° 50' 0.72" E||||||not damaged|limestone|quadrangular|||||||Latin||||||||||X-M.1.23.jpg||AMahic|2024-05-24 02:07:33 PM}}")
m (Text replacement - "|quadrangular|" to "|rectangular|")
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{{Opis natpisa|X-M.1.23|Poreč-Pula|||Arheološki muzej Istre||44° 50' 49.22" N, 13° 50' 0.72" E||||||not damaged|limestone|quadrangular|||||||Latin||||||||||X-M.1.23.jpg||AMahic|2024-05-24 02:07:33 PM}}
{{Opis natpisa|X-M.1.23|Poreč-Pula|||Arheološki muzej Istre||44° 50' 49.22" N, 13° 50' 0.72" E||||||very damaged|limestone|rectangular|690|680|690|680|70||Latin||gotica (Gothic script)|40|45||(...)|(...)|(...)|A square inscription plaque written in Gothic script. The bottom right corner of the plaque is broken off and later rejoined. The inscription is worn and difficult to read.
Almost entirely illegible.|X-M.1.23 2.jpg||AMahic|2024-05-24 02:07:33 PM

Latest revision as of 13:49, 10 February 2025

Basic data

ID X-M.1.23
Diocese Poreč-Pula
Building Arheološki muzej Istre
Building type
Coordinates 44° 50' 49.22" N, 13° 50' 0.72" E
Position in building
Original location
Earliest date
Latest date
Previous edition(s)


State of preservation very damaged
Material limestone
Shape rectangular
Field width 690
Field height 680
Carrier width 690
Carrier height 680
Carrier depth 70
Language(s) Latin
Prosodic form
Lettering style gotica (Gothic script)
Minimum letter height: 40
Maximum letter height: 45
Number of lines:

Interpretive transcription and translation

Interpretive transcription: (...)
Translation (hr) (...)
Translation (en) (...)


Notes A square inscription plaque written in Gothic script. The bottom right corner of the plaque is broken off and later rejoined. The inscription is worn and difficult to read.

Almost entirely illegible.

Critical apparatus
Responsible user AMahic
Timestamp 2024-05-24 02:07:33 PM
Bare text


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X-M.1.23 2.jpg

Diplomatic transcription