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A list of all pages that have property "Notes" with value "ref. [[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 144 'A' has a downward-bent pointed crossbar. Nedostaju dimenzije.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • PP-18.4.3  + (Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.15.3  + (Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.4.2  + (Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.7.1  + (Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.6  + (Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.18.2  + (Nedostaju dimenzije. Natpis se nalazi unutar ili izvan crkve?)
  • PP-23.4.2  + (PP-23.13 Ulomak nadgrobne ploče člana obitelji Petri, 1535., crkva Sv. Antuna, Brijuni ([[:Krnjak, Radossi 2002|Krnjak, Radossi 2002]]). Je li Petri (Petrus) ime, a ...IGO prezime?)
  • PP-18.19.3  + (Prijašnji prozor sakristije Sv. Silvestra u Kanfanaru. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.15.2  + (Text is justified left and right; the yearText is justified left and right; the year is centered.</br>Letter 'a' is similar to the reversed 'B', 't' has leftward-curved upper part, 'G' looks like 'ʕ', 'U' is squared, 'I' in 'CURLAVICH' and the second one in 'MIGLIJAS' is shaped like '1' . 'E' has and acute accent.</br></br>The text ends with triple bar (≡), each preceded by a dot.</br></br>Nedostaju dimenzije.h preceded by a dot. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.10.1  + (The abbreviation can be Latin or Italian. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • X-M.1.11  + (The architrave. It is located along the western wall of the space in front of the Franciscan Monastery Church of St. Francis in Pula. It is part of the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Istria. Triangle-formed '8'. 'A' without a crossbar.)
  • PP-18.16.2  + (The inscription is broken in two fragmentsThe inscription is broken in two fragments, the smaler one of which contains upper-right part. The upper-central triangle-shaped segment with a part of letter 'M' and almost entire letter 'E' in 'INSTRVMENTVM' is missing.</br></br>The text is centered, the letters are small capitals (two first words begin with a large letter). </br></br>Nedostaju a large letter). Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.10  + (The inscription is carved on the altar areThe inscription is carved on the altar area, but it is obscured by a later-added marble tabernacle. The altar is raised on three steps. The altar’s base is decorated with marble inlays in geometric patterns. In the center of the mensa stands the tabernacle, behind which is the carved inscription. The arch of the altar retable is framed by two columns with Corinthian capitals, and behind them are pilasters that broaden at the bottom into volutes. The key stone bears the coat of arms of the patron, Viktor Ruffini. Above, a wreath extends, and at the very top, there is a divided semicircular pediment.</br></br>Measures could not be taken because of inaccessibility.</br></br>Nedostaju dimenzije. of inaccessibility. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-10.3.3  + (The inscription is located on the lower beThe inscription is located on the lower beam of a window with a pointed arch, which is situated on the southern side of the main facade of the church. The inscription is located within a rectangular inscription field. In the center of the beam, there is a vertical damage.</br></br>The stone is broken in two parts - the crack goes horizontally along the letter 'I'.</br></br>Vertically prolongated letters on a smoothened quandrangular part of the otherwise rough sill. Letter 'A has a distinctively low horizontal bar.</br></br>The word can be Italian or Latin (where the classical regular spelling would be 'eleemosyna', from Greek ἐλεημοσύνη)ld be 'eleemosyna', from Greek ἐλεημοσύνη))
  • PP-10.3.2  + (The inscription is located on the lower beThe inscription is located on the lower beam of a window with a pointed arch, which is situated on the northern side of the main facade of the church. The inscription is located within a rectangular inscription field. </br></br>Vertically prolongated letters on a smoothened quandrangular part of the otherwise rough sill. Letter 'A has a distinctively low horizontal bar.</br></br>The word can be Italian or Latin (where the classical regular spelling would be 'eleemosyna', from Greek ἐλεημοσύνη)ld be 'eleemosyna', from Greek ἐλεημοσύνη))
  • PP-18.1.7  + (The pulpit is from the late 15th century, but the relie with the inscription is from the mid-19th century. Nedostaju dimenzije.
  • PP-18.1.3  + (The text is centered. Letters are small capitals, the beginning of every word is capitalised. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.19.1  + (Tijekom posjeta nije bila vidljiva cijela ploča, potrebno je ponovno poslikati. [[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 174)
  • PP-18.19.4  + (Ulomak nekadašnjeg nadvratnika sakristije u crkvi sv. Silvestra u Kanfanaru. The right half of the inscription is lacking. 'T' is partly visible. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • X-M.2.1  + ([[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 188 Ecco l[[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 188</br>Ecco l' iscrizione della contestata lapide epigrafa, custodita presso il Museo Civico</br>di Rovigno ( inv. 510:RV;l6:A): SANA ANlMAM Il MEAM D.N.E. Il QUIA PECCAVI Il TIBI Il GEORGIUS CAN. Il CORRENICH Il RESTAURARE FECIT Il PRO SE ET HAER.S Il A. DNI MDCCXLIV.</br>Ps 41,5O SE ET HAER.S Il A. DNI MDCCXLIV. Ps 41,5)
  • PP-18.10.2  + ([[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 165 Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • X-M.1.8  + ([[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 199 Un fra[[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 199</br>Un frammento lapideo trovato fra codesta maceri a, è costituito da un pilastri no con iscri zione: 1423 (?); in capo (esternamente) ad uno stemma, con ai lati due ini ziali D. e P Presumibilmente si tratta di uno dei sacerdoti della chiesa di S. Sofia, D(on) Il o D(omenico ?) Il P(ietrapelosa), come si arguisce dall 'arma a losanga bandata (c fr. in proposito C. BAXA, Blasonario). «(di) Pietrape/osa.</br>L'oggetto si conserva presso il Museo Archeologico deii ' Istria (Pota), nel Forte Bourguignon, inv. S 3795. Vedi B. MARUS IC, «Il complesso>>, p. 49.</br>Sada u novovjekovnoj zbirci.</br>Natpis se može datirati ili u 1423 ili u 1493, kako jako sliči natpisu PP-18.18.1 koji je datiran 1493 godinom i ima ista slova, možda je bolje datirati natpis u 1493. godinu., možda je bolje datirati natpis u 1493. godinu.)
  • PP-31.5.4  + (natpis je nečist i teško dostupan, tako da se ne može valjano izmjeriti
  • PP-18.13.3  + (ref. [[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 144 'A' has a downward-bent pointed crossbar. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.8  + ('HOC TEMPLUM' is smaller, placed to the left, differently made and without ink. The rest has a well-preserved ink. 'A(NNO) 1923.' is to the right, but has ink and is more similar in shape to the main part. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-21.1.2  + (Boris Vučić Šneperger ([[:Vučić Šneperger 1995|Vučić Šneperger 1995]]: 339, n.Boris Vučić Šneperger ([[:Vučić Šneperger 1995|Vučić Šneperger 1995]]: 339, n. 13) published the text with a transcription: </br>B * VICTORIAE * V* M * CORPVS*</br>IN * HANC * DEIPARAE * AEDEM *</br>EX * ALMA * VRBE * TRASLATVM *</br>KAL * IVN * MDCLXX</br>BARTH * PETRONIO * CO * CAP</br>IO * PET * ABB * TAIAPIERA * ARCH</br></br>Nina Kudiš ([[:Kudiš 2007|Kudiš 2007]]: 288, n. 14) published the text with an interpretative transcription made by Nenad Labus: </br>B(EATE) VICTORIAE V(IRGO) M(ARTIRI) CORPUS/ IN HANC DEIPARAE AEDEM/ EX ALMA VRBE TRANSLATVM/ KAL(ENDAE) IVN(II) MDCLXX/ BARTH(OLOMEUS) PETRONIO CO(MITE) CAP(ITANEO)/ IO(HANNES) PET(RUS) ABB(ATE) TAIAPIERA ARCH(IPRETE). </br></br>Damir Tulić ([[:Marković, Matejčić, Tulić 2017|Marković, Matejčić, Tulić 2017]]: 238-239) published a scheda with a transcription: B. VICTORIAE. V. M. CORPVS/ IN HANC DEIPARAE. AEDEM./ EX. ALMA. VRBE. TRANSLATVM./ KAL. IVN. MDCLXX./ BARTH. PETRONIO. CO. CAP./ IO. PET. ABB. TAIAPIERA. ARCH. </br></br>For the description of the altar, see PP-2.1.1.</br>Dark marble. Centered text, slightly irregular capitals, last two lines have a bit smaller letters. 'I' has a dot.</br></br>
  • PP-18.1.9  + (Continuation of previous inscription. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-4.2.1  + (Crkva se nalazi u Kostanjici, u blizini loCrkva se nalazi u Kostanjici, u blizini lokve.</br></br>Natpis je fragmentarno sačuvan i ugrađen u pročelje crkve naopako.</br></br>Ne ulazi u katalog.</br></br>Pročelje – natpis spominje sv. Mariju i Kostanjicu</br> - 1300. gotica</br> - uzidan naopako pri preuređenju u 2. ½ </br></br>- gradnja crkve povezana je s pulskom katedralom</br> </br>- CHASTAGNO MARIA</br>- Sveci relikvije u pulskoj katedrali </br> - 2. i 3. red: BAXEIO SALAMON DIMITRI </br>(Blaž, Salomon, Demetrije)</br>- dio koji nedostaje: Flor, Juraj, Teodor</br></br>Ispod glavnog oltara pulske katedrale 5 relikvijara </br>- sv. Jurja, solinski biskupi- mučenici </br>- sv. Teodora, solinski biskupi- mučenici </br>- sv. Dimitrija, (Sirmij?)</br>- sv. Bazilija, priznavaoc</br>- sv. Flora i </br>- bl. Salomona, bivšega ugarskog kralja</br></br>Kada je i u kojim okolnostima naručena gradnja crkve i njezino uređenje nije poznato, ali ona je bila na neki način usko povezana s pulskom katedralom. O tome svjedoči u zapadno pročelje crkve uzidan naopako okrenut natpis na okrugloj gotici kojemu nedostaju lijevi, desni i gornji dio, i koji spominje Kostanjicu kao CHASTAGNO. Autor natpisa spominje svece čije se relikvije nalaze u pulskoj katedrali pa u drugom i trećem redu kleše: … BAXEIO • SALAMON … DIMITRI • zazivajući sv. Blaža, sv. Salomona, sv. Demetrija; u otkrhnutom dijelu vjerojatno je zazivao i sv. Flora, sv. Jurja i sv. Teodora u. U posljednjem se redu spominje titular naše crkve - MARIA. Ovako fragmentaran našao se vjerojatno u pročelju crkve prilikom novog preuređenja u drugoj polovini 17. stoljeća.reuređenja u drugoj polovini 17. stoljeća.)
  • PP-23.4.6  + (Dva natpisa na jednoj ploči (v. PP-23.4.5). Lower left part is lacking. V. [[:Krnjak, Radossi 2002|Krnjak, Radossi 2002]]:364)
  • PP-23.4.5  + (Dva natpisa na jednoj ploči. V. [[:Krnjak, Radossi 2002|Krnjak, Radossi 2002]]:364)
  • PP-18.18.1  + (Irregular rectangular stone. D grb obitelji Pietropelosa P ispod grba upisano 1493 P [[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 200)
  • PP-31.6.1  + (Malo oštećen na rubovima i izblijedio. Dimenzije su priblžne jer je natpis teško dostupan. <i>Scriptio continua</i>, left and right justified.)
  • PP-18.1.11  + (Meden 1 'Q' is abbreviated by means of an arch oriented like and inverted 'U', added to the right of the letter. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.20  + (Meden 10 The upper part of the inscriptionMeden 10</br>The upper part of the inscription is destroyed. Only the lower part of most of the first legible line is visible.</br></br>Nedostaju dimenzije.</br></br>In the upper part of the inscription field, the plaque is damaged. These areas have been subsequently filled with a binding material.bsequently filled with a binding material.)
  • PP-18.1.27  + (Meden 11, 12, 15, 19 ILI 21, jako izlizan natpis Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.30  + (Meden 11, 12, 15, 19 ili 21, izuzetno izlizan natpis Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.21  + (Meden 13 Letters are of irregular size. At places, the text on the right side crosses over the borderline of the field. Letter 'I' has a dot in 'VITAM', 'GRVBISSA' and the second one in 'FAMILLIA'. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.22  + (Meden 14 Nedostaju dimenzije. Job 14,5)
  • PP-18.1.28  + (Meden 17 The text is centered. The inscription is interlingual. Letter 'I' has a dot or a triangle above. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.23  + (Meden 18 Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.26  + (Meden 20 The text is centered. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.25  + (Meden 20, loše očuvan natpis Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.24  + (Meden 23 The inscription is centered. Some words are not divided by a blank space. Nedostaju dimenzije. Cf. Ps 130,1)
  • PP-18.1.12  + (Meden 3 Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.13  + (Meden 5 Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.17  + (Meden 7 'A' has a downward-pointed crossline. Capital 'I' has a dot above. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
  • PP-18.1.18  + (Meden 8 Nedostaju dimenzije. Ps 27,13)
  • PP-18.1.19  + (Meden 9 Nedostaju dimenzije. Cf. Iob 14,5)
  • PP-18.18.3  + (Nedostaju dimenzije i fotografija cijelog spomenika.)