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List of results
- X-M.1.3 + (A memorial plaque dedicated to Bernardin Corniani, Bishop of Pula.)
- X-M.1.2 + (A memorial plaque dedicated to Bernardin Corniani, Bishop of Pula.)
- X-M.1.4 + (A memorial plaque dedicated to Eleonor Pagello, Bishop of Pula. Letters after abbreviations rasied. 'A' with bent crossbar.)
- X-M.1.5 + (A memorial plaque dedicated to Giuseppe Maria Bottari, Bishop of Pula. Centered text. Small capitals with large initials.)
- X-M.1.9 + (A memorial plaque dedicated to Matteo Barbabianca, Bishop of Pula. Text centered.)
- X-M.1.21 + (A rectangular inscription plaque written in Gothic script. The inscription is worn and difficult to read.)
- X-M.1.23 + (A square inscription plaque written in Gothic script. The bottom right corner of the plaque is broken off and later rejoined. The inscription is worn and difficult to read. Almost entirely illegible.)
- PP-21.1.2 + (Boris Vučić Šneperger published the text w … Boris Vučić Šneperger published the text with a transcription: </br>B * VICTORIAE * V* M * CORPVS*</br>IN * HANC * DEIPARAE * AEDEM *</br>EX * ALMA * VRBE * TRASLATVM *</br>KAL * IVN * MDCLXX</br>BARTH * PETRONIO * CO * CAP</br>IO * PET * ABB * TAIAPIERA * ARCH</br>- in: Crkva sv. Marijina navještenja u Svetvinčentu. Prostor : znanstveni časopis za arhitekturu i urbanizam, Vol. 3 No. 2(10), 1995, p. 339 footnote 13.</br></br>Nina Kudiš published the text with an interpretative transcription made by Nenad Labus: </br>B(EATE) VICTORIAE V(IRGO) M(ARTIRI) CORPUS/ IN HANC DEIPARAE AEDEM/ EX ALMA VRBE TRANSLATVM/ KAL(ENDAE) IVN(II) MDCLXX/ BARTH(OLOMEUS) PETRONIO CO(MITE) CAP(ITANEO)/ IO(HANNES) PET(RUS) ABB(ATE) TAIAPIERA ARCH(IPRETE). </br>- in: UNA PROPOSTA PER GIROLAMO PELLEGRINI A SANVINCENTI IN ISTRIA. Un'identita': custodi dell'arte e della memoria, ARTE (Documento), Quaderni 12, 2007, p. 288 footnote 14.</br></br>Damir Tulić published a scheda with a transcription: B. VICTORIAE. V. M. CORPVS/ IN HANC DEIPARAE. AEDEM./ EX. ALMA. VRBE. TRANSLATVM./ KAL. IVN. MDCLXX./ BARTH. PETRONIO. CO. CAP./ IO. PET. ABB. TAIAPIERA. ARCH. </br>- in: Umjetnička baština istarske crkve - Kiparstvo 2 / Patrimonio artistico della chiesa istriana - Scultura 2, 2017, p. 238-239.</br></br>Dark marble. Centered text, slightly irregular capitals, last tvo lines have a bit smaller letters. 'I' has a dot.have a bit smaller letters. 'I' has a dot.)
- PP-31.5.3 + (Centered left and right, letters filled with partly faded ink. Small capitals with slightly larger initials.)
- PP-8.4.2 + (Centered text. Mt 16,18)
- PP-8.4.5 + (Centered text. Poredati ova četiri natpisa (8.4.2-8.4.5) tako da slijede smisao. From the Service of Consecration of a Church Building. Cf. Mt 7,24)
- PP-8.4.3 + (Centered text. Ps 93,5)
- PP-8.8.3 + (Centered text. 'A' with bent pointed crossbar. About Malpietro see
- PP-8.4.4 + (Centered text.)
- X-M.1.13 + (Centered text.)
- PP-8.8.6 + (Centered text.)
- PP-8.4.1 + (Centered text. The upper line double as high as the lower one.)
- PP-31.5.2 + (Centered, letters partly faded. 'I' with dot, 'A' with bent crossbar.)
- PP-8.3.5 + (Centered.)
- PP-8.3.6 + (Centered. Small capital. Letters after abbreviations raised and smaller. 'I' with a dot.)
- PP-16.2.1 + (Chapel is found in a private land in Ušićevi Dvori. Dimensions were not taken because of inaccessibility. The first part of the inscription is above the bell in the bell-cot; the second part is below, on the beam supporting the bell-cot.)
- PP-18.1.9 + (Continuation of previous inscription. Nedostaju dimenzije.)
- PP-19.1.30 + (Continuation of previous inscription. Small capitals with large initials.)
- PP-19.1.29 + (Continuation of previous inscription.)
- X-O.2.1 + (Crkva je srušena polovicom 20. st., a natpis je zajedno s preslicom ugrađen u zid privatne kuće. Zbog nedostupnosti ga nismo mogli izmjeriti. The text is centered.)
- PP-4.2.1 + (Crkva se nalazi u Kostanjici, u blizini lo … Crkva se nalazi u Kostanjici, u blizini lokve.</br></br>Natpis je fragmentarno sačuvan i ugrađen u pročelje crkve naopako.</br></br>Ne ulazi u katalog.</br></br>Pročelje – natpis spominje sv. Mariju i Kostanjicu</br> - 1300. gotica</br> - uzidan naopako pri preuređenju u 2. ½ </br></br>- gradnja crkve povezana je s pulskom katedralom</br> </br>- CHASTAGNO MARIA</br>- Sveci relikvije u pulskoj katedrali </br> - 2. i 3. red: BAXEIO SALAMON DIMITRI </br>(Blaž, Salomon, Demetrije)</br>- dio koji nedostaje: Flor, Juraj, Teodor</br></br>Ispod glavnog oltara pulske katedrale 5 relikvijara </br>- sv. Jurja, solinski biskupi- mučenici </br>- sv. Teodora, solinski biskupi- mučenici </br>- sv. Dimitrija, (Sirmij?)</br>- sv. Bazilija, priznavaoc</br>- sv. Flora i </br>- bl. Salomona, bivšega ugarskog kralja</br></br>Kada je i u kojim okolnostima naručena gradnja crkve i njezino uređenje nije poznato, ali ona je bila na neki način usko povezana s pulskom katedralom. O tome svjedoči u zapadno pročelje crkve uzidan naopako okrenut natpis na okrugloj gotici kojemu nedostaju lijevi, desni i gornji dio, i koji spominje Kostanjicu kao CHASTAGNO. Autor natpisa spominje svece čije se relikvije nalaze u pulskoj katedrali pa u drugom i trećem redu kleše: … BAXEIO • SALAMON … DIMITRI • zazivajući sv. Blaža, sv. Salomona, sv. Demetrija; u otkrhnutom dijelu vjerojatno je zazivao i sv. Flora, sv. Jurja i sv. Teodora u. U posljednjem se redu spominje titular naše crkve - MARIA. Ovako fragmentaran našao se vjerojatno u pročelju crkve prilikom novog preuređenja u drugoj polovini 17. stoljeća.reuređenja u drugoj polovini 17. stoljeća.)
- PP-18.18.1 + (D grb obitelji Pietropelosa P ispod grba upisano 1493 P [[:Radossi 1995|Radossi 1995]]: 200)
- X-M.1.12 + (Damaged on the right and left side, parts of the inscription are missing. The inscription is about bishop of Pula Giovanni Andrea Balbi (Krk, 10.III.1692 – Pula, 23.X.1771). Small capitals; large are initials and 'BALBA'.)
- PP-18.19.2 + (Dio nekadašnje oltarne pregrade u crkvi Sv. Silvestra u Kanfanaru. Sličnu ogradu i natpis in situ nalazimo u crkvi Sv. Marije od Lakuća kod Dvigrada. U dva dijela.)
- PP-31.13.1 + (do natpisa nismo mogli doći, već smo ga slikali izvana; u slovima je crna boje, trapezoidnog oblika Centered. Made by a famous self-taught artist.)
- PP-19.16.1 + (First line centered, other lines justified left, last line a little indented. First line and first letter of 'IOSEPH' larger. 'I' has a dot above.)
- PP-21.1.14 + (First line follows a trajectory of an arc. Larger letters contin chronogram and are painted in red. Other letters are painted in black. Chronogram gives 1845.)
- PP-8.1.2 + (Fotografije preuzete iz Istarske kulturne baštine Pomorskog i povijesnog muzeja Istre: [ link]. Potrebno provjeriti prijepise i prava na fotografije. John 8,12)
- X-M.1.26 + (Four fragments of the tombstone of a membe … Four fragments of the tombstone of a member of the Sforza family (?).</br></br>Found during systematic archaeological research in 2017 in a recent layer north of the building of the Archaeological Museum of Istria, i.e. above the entrance to Zerostrasse.</br></br>The inscription is preserved on two of four fragments of plaque. The inscriptions are partially preserved. One of them is located in cartouche (kartuša). A part of the coat of arms has been preserved on one fragment.f arms has been preserved on one fragment.)