Property: Notes

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
'1' has a dot above; '5' is 'S'-shaped.  +
'5' is 'S'-shaped, '4' is rounded.  +
'A' has a downward-bent pointed crossbar.  +
'A' has a downward-bent pointed crossline. Final 'IS' in 'CANONICIS' and 'O' in 'MAGISTRO' are superscript. Nedostaju dimenzije.  +
'A' with bent crossbar.  +
'HOC TEMPLUM' is smaller, placed to the left, differently made and without ink. The rest has a well-preserved ink. 'A(NNO) 1923.' is to the right, but has ink and is more similar in shape to the main part. Nedostaju dimenzije.  +
'I' has a dot above.  +
'I' has a dot above.  +
'I' has a dot above.  +
+ ANNO DMI (domini) MCCCVI DIE XXV MENSIS IVLII ? POLAE FVIT CELEBR <br> ATU(M) C(A)P(ITV)L(V)M P(RO)VINCIALE T(EM)P(O)RE MINISTERIATVS R.I +(REVERENDISSIMI) PAT <br> P(AT)RIS NICOLAI S. FRANCISCI NOSTRO PATRI <br> SECRETARIVS FVIT OSIUS (Oreb 1960?) Radi se o P.M. Nikoli iz Splita, koji je 1417. godine postao biskup u Skradinu. (Oreb 1960.)  +
<sup>1)</sup>"Post tenebras lux" is a Latin phrase translated as Light After Darkness. It appears as Post tenebras spero lucem ("After darkness, I hope for light") in the Vulgate version of Job 17:12. At the end of this line in Svetvinčenat is the letter M incarved above the last word (LUCE-M). <sup>2)</sup>Laurencius actually died 1731 acording to Liber defunctorum (year?).  +
<sup>a)</sup>Small letters "ETE" are incarved above the first line, but with the function of sufix of the word VIVE(N)TE in the first row. <sup>b)</sup>Small letter "S" with the function of sufix is incarved between MARTINO in the first row and HER in the second row.  +
A larger blank space after the year.  +
A memorial plaque dedicated to Bernardin Corniani, Bishop of Pula.  +
A memorial plaque dedicated to Bernardin Corniani, Bishop of Pula.  +
A memorial plaque dedicated to Eleonor Pagello, Bishop of Pula. Letters after abbreviations rasied. 'A' with bent crossbar.  +
A memorial plaque dedicated to Giuseppe Maria Bottari, Bishop of Pula. Centered text. Small capitals with large initials.  +
A memorial plaque dedicated to Matteo Barbabianca, Bishop of Pula. Text centered.  +
A rectangular inscription plaque written in Gothic script. The inscription is worn and difficult to read.  +