Property: Critical apparatus

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This is a property of type Text.

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<sup>a)</sup> '1' has a dot above. <sup>b)</sup> 'I' has a dot above.  +
<sup>a)</sup> '1' is shaped like 'J'; '2' is similar to an inversed 'U'; it has an extremely long arch, reaching the baseline, while the horizontal bar is short.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'A' in superscript.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'A' is in superscript. <sup>b)</sup> Original: 'CO(N)SPICLS'. <sup>c)</sup> First 'C' in superscript. <sup>d)</sup> 'S' in superscript.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'A' is lowered because of the decoration. <sup>v)</sup> Initial 'P' is larger and extended beyond the baseline. <sup>d)</sup> 'R' with a cross-stroke. <sup>d)</sup> Abbreviated without a sign, unless 'Q' was intended to have a peculiar slash.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'A' is smaller and in superscript. <sup>b)</sup> Arch above 'EP' although nothing is abbreviated.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'CI' in suprascript. <sup>b)</sup> 'VIT' in suprascript.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'CO' in superscript. <sup>b)</sup> 'VI' in superscript.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'CO' in superscript.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'D' is left, 'O' is in the middle, 'M' is right. <sup>b)</sup> Original: 'LT'. <sup>c)</sup> 'DECEM' is written as 'X' with an arch above 'BR'.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'DE' raised. <sup>b)</sup> 'MODO' raised.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'I' inside 'C'. <sup>b)</sup> Number written as M CCCCLI with small 'O' above 'M' and the last 'C' in CCCC.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'I' is raised.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'I' is very small. <sup>b)</sup> 'O' inserted within 'H'; 'A' above 'L', both small. <sup>c)</sup> 'R' is small. <sup>d)</sup> 'A' is small. <sup>e)</sup> 'I' within 'M'. <sup>f)</sup> First 'E' is small. <sup>g)</sup> Second 'E' is small. <sup>h)</sup> 'I' within 'D', both 'E' small. <sup>i)</sup> 'A' small, 'I within 'R'. <sup>j)</sup> 'N' is small. <sup>k)</sup> 'C' is small. <sup>l)</sup> 'E' is small. <sup>m)</sup> 'O' is small. <sup>n)</sup> 'O' within 'N'. <sup>o)</sup> 'A' and first 'I' are small.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'M' in superscript. <sup>b)</sup> 'R' in superscript.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'M' in superscript.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'O' above 'M'.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'O' in superscript. <sup>b)</sup> No blank space here. <sup>c)</sup> 'TE' above the letters. <sup>d)</sup> Looks like 'MAU'.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'O' is carved beyond inscription field borders.  +
<sup>a)</sup> 'O' is damaged by a handle.  +