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Basic data

ID PP-3.5.1
Diocese Poreč-Pula
Deanery Pula Deanery
Parish Medulin
Building Majke Božje od Zdravlja (Medulin)
Building type church
Coordinates 44° 49' 18.54" N, 13° 56' 12.74" E
Position in building The keystone in the center of the arch of the main portal, the western façade of the church.
Original location
Earliest date
Latest date
Previous edition


State of preservation not damaged
Material limestone
Shape polygonal
Field width
Field height 160
Carrier width 130
Carrier height 260
Carrier depth
Decoration A trapezoidal inscription field with a profiled edge. At the top and bottom, there is a rounded projection, with relief rosettes sculpted in the center of each.
Language(s) Latin
Prosodic form
Lettering style
Minimum letter height:
Maximum letter height: 60
Number of lines: 1

Interpretive transcription and translation

Interpretive transcription:
Translation (hr)
Translation (en)


Critical apparatus
Responsible user AMahic
Timestamp 2025-02-04 09:22:10 AM
Bare text


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PP-3.5.1 2.JPG

PP-3.5.1 3.jpg

Diplomatic transcription